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Mark ‘The Wonder’ Whittington was on powerful form this week as he came top of the results table at the Gisburn 10K.

With the Gisburn races billed as having ‘simply the best forestry trails across the whole Pennines’ and described as ‘a cross between sasquatch country and fairytale-esque woodlands’, it was set up to be a great race for our Burnden team.

The races, organised by Pennine Trails, include the 10K and Half Marathon distances for runners to get their feet into and, as described, are a captivating set of woodland tracks, paths and trails. Ideal for first time runners and perfect for encouraging runners to fall in love with the sport again and again, the route starts from the Gisburn Forest Hub before navigating ‘the 8’, a twisting bike trail, which is specially opened for the races. Stocks Reservoir Bridge makes an appearance on the course before it opens out to the wide woodland forest tracks before greeting the Dale Head loop and enjoying a fantastic descent down to the river and a fast 2-mile finish.

Whittington took the crown of number 1 and 1st MV50 in a whippeting 44:04. Following Mark minutes later was Michael Kermode in 48:20 and first Burnden lady, Lyndsay Darbyshire in 55:05, who also claimed 1st FV50.

Gwen Kinloch took 2nd FV60 in 55:19 and Marie Parkinson was named 3rd FV60 in 58:51. Kathryn Baron was next – taking 2nd FV50 in 59:06.

Other trail-tastic results – Anne Ferguson – 59:45, Andy Warburton – 1:01:07, Steven Bate – 1:01:59, Katie Walsh – 1:02:38, Steve Holt – 1:05:57, Ged Turner – 1:08:24, Carolyn Edwards – 1:11:44, Emma Walker – 1:11:50, Nia Bell – 1:12:28, Jocelyn Chadderton – 1:13:10, Cheryl Dunleavy – 1:30:26.


This week saw one of Burnden’s recently appointed Run Leaders, Andy Norman, take on the stunning Cybi Coastal Marathon, which won Runners’ World’s best UK Marathon in 2019.

Comprising a circular route around Holy Island, with a climb up Holyhead Mountain at 23 miles, it’s not for the faint hearted, But, despite the challenge and astonishing total elevation of 1,504 metres, Andy took it all in his stride with some fantastic support from wife Rachel and finished in a brilliant 5:17:11.

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