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Race Entry


Burnden Road Runners invites all runners to take part in the Trotters 5 mile Community Trail Run on date to be confirmed in 2026

Race limit 300

Affiliated Runner Fee £14.50

Un-affiliated runner fee £16.50

Race Registration / HQ Smithills Sports Centre, Bolton

Undulating paths, trails, grass and woodland through Smithills Country Park

Trail shoes - In March you may encounter inclement weather and difficult conditions underfoot

Supporting Local charities 

Run under OKA rules - minimum age 16 years


Online entries now closed, entries on the day at Race HQ Smithills Sports Centre

On the day entries £2 extra ( subject to not being sold out)

Prizes to first three finishers and first team ( 3 to count)

Prize categories Junior, Senior, over 35, over 40, over 45,

over 50, over 55, over 60, over 70, over 75, over 80

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